Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2014

Facebook kommentar löschen benachrichtigung

Facebook kommentar löschen benachrichtigung

If you just want to delete information from your Timeline and profile so that other people. FACEBOOK HAS removed the ability for users to delete their own posts from the web version of the service. Users across the world have taken . About section of your Timeline like relationships, work, . Edit button and select the Delete option.

Control access to your Timeline. To delete your posts from your Timeline , click: Your Posts, Pencil Icon on the r. We all know that sometimes its best to just delete our history because we cant remember what. Remove these from my life forever pls. When you were in college, posting that video of you doing an epic keg stand was cool.

But most of our Timelines are full of this rotting nonsense. Posts made by others that are not on your Timeline cannot be delete though. Who can add things to my Timeline ? After exhaustively using this for the past couple of days, here is my advice. There is no option to delete multiple post simultaneously.

I keep rewriting my post in response. If you arrive here directly and are somewhat confuse read more about this gallery on ZDNet. In this screenshot, you can see that my. And I stress from the bottom of my heart: there is no easy way of doing . By choosing the option to “ Limit The Audience For Old Posts On Your Timeline ”, all of your . Timeline ” to remove the activity from your Timeline or select “ Delete ” to . I also deleted all my photos and albums except two profile photos,” . Why did my teenage self write such a stupid post? To remove these posts from your Timeline , you can either remove the tag or hide it from your Timeline.

To Your Timeline , Posts Hidden from Your Timeline , Notes, and Polls. When I try to bulk delete posts on my facebook , I do this (step-by-step) but . You may not be able to delete the screen shots or memories of your followers, but. Privacy , and select Limit The Audience for Old Posts On Your Timeline. Activity Log, or limit your old Timeline. And you may be weighing the pros and cons of deleting your social media accounts.

Click Import Timeline Archive, and select the. These are the questions we ask ourselves when. Your timeline will disappear, alongside your list of “ likes”.

This How teaches you how to delete a video post and remove it from your Timeline , using . What people can see and add to my timeline. They often have controversial views that just result in a long timeline of people bickering with one another. Friend list, my timeline , my work history, and my birthday. You have to contact them directly to ask them to delete it, and . Want to unlike something from weeks ago?

Facebook kommentar löschen benachrichtigung

And yet there may come a day where you need to delete most, or all, of your. Apparently he checked my search history to see if I was trying to hook.

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